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what is Brain drain ?

Brain drain Brain drain is the departure of educated or talented persons for better pay or jobs elsewhere Economically speaking, brain drain means an emigration of trained and talented individuals ("human capital") to other nations because of conflicts and lack of opportunity. It parallels the term "capital flight" which refers to financial capital that is no longer invested in the country where its owner lived and earned it. When a highly qualified professional chooses to leave his own country for another, he does so for one or several legitimate political or economic reasons. The loss of such bog number countries, but also to the scientific of skilled immigrants results in huge losses that are very difficult to compensate for even in long years to come. The brain drain is actually affecting the economies and social structures of a country, especially the emerging countries that. Have to do everything they can to stop this phenomenon. Finally, I do believe that

Women’s position

 Women’s position  Nowadays, we all notice that women’s position ha s greatly changed in society. Their efforts have been crowned by getting an equal position to men in all domains. Women could not go to school and stayed with their parents at homes. Thus they were regarded illiterate and ignorant as well. Their jobs were looking after their husbands, cooking daily meals and washing dishes as machines. They were not allowed to vote and were under the authority of men. Everything has now changed, women have become aware of the significance of education, and so they go to school and get good marks. More than that, they have been appointed teachers and directresses in great schools. Because of their strong struggles, women can share with men some political posts like working in courts as judges or lawyers. In addition to that, women wear whatever they love and go to cafés as men All in all, the marginalization of women in the past led them to suffer a lot and live a difficult life. H

Hello Class: series of 42 lessons in youtube

Hello Class: Animals, Learn English Vocabulary Online

what is the weather like?

what is the weather like?

Le Logiciel de Conjugaison

Le Logiciel Conjugaison est un logiciel permettant de conjuguer n’importe quel verbe de la langue française à tous les temps. Il reconnaît ainsi tous les modes : indicatif, subjonctif, condition et impératif et tous les temps de ces différents modes. En moins d’une seconde, l’intégralité des formes d’un verbe s’affiche à l’écran. De plus, il est possible de récupérer ces différentes formes : · soit sur imprimante · soit sur un fichier texte · soit par un simple copier-coller vers un traitement de texte. Voici les plus de Conjugaison : un annuaire de plus de 8000 verbes un rappel des règles usuelles l'ensemble des difficultés de la langue française une liste des verbes difficiles pour un meilleur apprentissage copier/coller vers des applications telles que Word une impression de toute la conjugaison une fonction de reconnaissance de verbe à partir d'une forme conjuguée. une vue intégrale sur l'ensemble de la conjugaison d'un verbe sur un seul écran Aucun fichier dans

what are you doing ?

what are you  doing ? are you sleeping ? are you taking breakfast ?

The English Alphabets
